Ok then, I finally processed the photos from (click on that link to see ’em): My May trip with my Patrice to celebrate our 19th wedding anniversary, go to Northwest Folklife, play tourist, see friends, etc. I didn’t take a lot of pics. My June/July trip to Indiana & Kentucky to spend time with my sweetie […]
Another year gone…
…and sent out in fine style. I had a wonderful time last night. I have the most awesome partners and friends that anyone could ask for, truly. I am, however, stupidly tired today. I will attempt to finally upload the pictures from my summer trip to the Midwest tonight…
Back from vacation…
…and I had a wonderful time. The basic plan was to visit my sweetie Veronica, who lives in Indiana and Do Stuff™ in her company. Notable highlights of the trip (and yes, pictures were taken for many of these things) in no particular order: Lots of time with my sweetie; we don’t get to see […]
Can I whinge briefly?
I need to see my dentist today, ASAP. I also need to see my podiatrist today, ASAP. I really, really don’t need this right now. Oh well, At least I have doctors I can afford to see, and a job that I can take a day off from. And I had a brilliant weekend.
Trying to understand
There are some things I feel the need to talk about. However, I also feel that the discussion of them isn’t much helped by me (a cisgendered, passes-for-white, male) chiming in – I have the privilege of being able to do so without getting a target painted on me, but I’m not sure that I can actually do any […]
Thanks for deleteing my post, AdBlock.
Don’t change setting while on an active page. Shit.
When all my problems fade into proper perspective.
Jay Lake died today. He was a good friend. I knew him fairly well, but nowhere near as well as I would have liked. He was one of the most fun people I’ve ever known, he was sharp, funny and a fantastic writer. I didn’t get to spend anywhere near enough time with him – no […]
Dealing with physicians and insurance companies
So, I recently had to replace my BiPAP (“Bi-level Positive Airway Pressure” device. Like a CPAP machine, only a bit more complicated, and needed by people such as myself in order to sleep properly. If I don’t have one of these, I essentially don’t sleep.).
The process was unbelievably screwed up, and not by me. This post is mostly for me to get the events of this situation straight. It might not be terribly interesting to read – but then again, the level of miscommunication and fuckupery might be amusing, so read on if you like. Read More “Dealing with physicians and insurance companies”
As usual, I’m behind. Last weekend…
…was a lot of fun. My wife and I traveled to Great NorthWet, specifically, Seattle. We were there for a number of reasons: To celebrate our nineteenth wedding anniversary. To hang out, dance, and socialize at Folklife. To see old and new friends. #1 – that was the entire weekend, really. We’d last been to Folklife to […]
Well, *that* was a weekend.
I am home after my first day back to work following a four-day weekend – a weekend filled with physical labor, customer service, lack of sleep and huge, giant gobs of fun. Y’see, I’m a science-fiction and fantasy fan, and I got to help plan and run SFWA’s Nebula Awards Weekend. I spent the weekend […]