I’ll be wandering about, helping with stuff (I’m on the concomm). I’m sure I’ll see some of you there!
So, I just got home after buying a new car…
…and spending way more money than I was expecting. I keep forgetting about how car sales work – but my wife assures me that it’s in budget for us. And yeah, it’s a pretty awesome piece of machinery – a 2015 Subaru WRX. I haven’t taken any pics yet, but it looks identical to this:
Upcoming events & travel & whatnot
Because the two blog subscribers want to know this stuff (and some of the folk on Twitter and Facebook, too)… May 9-11: Going nowhere, I’m on-call for work. May 15-18: Will be helping to run SFWA‘s annual Nebula Awards weekend, and spending some time attending the Big Wow comicfest in San Jose. May 24-26: In Seattle, […]
Site updates, fyi
I just added a link-out page, here. I’ve installed a Captcha system, as I was getting too many ‘bot sign ups. Speaking of which, you, please feel free to register yourself if you’d like – you can also subscribe via email or RSS.
Following up…
… to this post: I’ve purchased an updated volume of Kate Bornstein’s My Gender Workbook and Janet Mock‘s book, and had them shipped to the Mother. I feel pretty good about this.
Well, this was supposed to be a motorcycle-centric blog – and I’ve not written a word about bikes since I started this thing.
However, I did actually purchase a new motorcycle last October. It’s by far the best bike I’ve ever owned. Read More “Well, this was supposed to be a motorcycle-centric blog – and I’ve not written a word about bikes since I started this thing.”
I have finally…
…deleted both of my Livejournal accounts/journals. This is the only place I’m blogging, in any way (unless you count Twitter as blogging – I don’t).
Help for a friend of a friend – this is important – questions about transition
This is primarily directed at the various trans folk who read my posts, on Twitter and Facebook – I’m writing this from my blog so that it will appear both place and not be truncated, My friend Tracy pinged me last night; an old friend of hers is looking for information about transition for their […]
More news for the site and such.
I’ve culled & uploaded my recent San Francisco Zoo outing pictures. They are here on Flickr. I’ve also added two more albums to my portfolio. Commercial work; not much here, as the things that graphical work I’ve done that I both want to show off and actually still have, is pretty small. Tattoo designs are exactly […]
Hey, look! Over here! I’m still alive… in fact I just updated my online portfolio with my first piece from this year.
It’s right here. I also just completed an album cover for my OSO Veronica; the album will be out toward the end of the month, and it’s good. I really do intend to use this as a writing space, and actually have pithy and worthwhile things to say. Eventually. I do miss writing more than […]